Personal Image Consultant, what is and how can improve your life
Every year you set a thousand challenges: lose weight, leave a vice that has been with you for years, call those friends you never visit, eat healthier, sign up for classes of that passion whose potential you never developed, see more theater , go regularly to the gym … like if only at the beginning of each year you allow yourself to put your needs before those of others … frustrating and exhausting.
But your personal image is not a small thing, nice or not, the mirror returns it to you every day when you get up, you see yourself in the reflected of each shop window, you look at yourself and judge yourself in each silhouette, in each shadow, don’t you? Don’t you think your image deserves a better position on your list of priorities?
It will appeal to you unusual that all the images in this post are in black and white, and yes, the black and white images are fabulous, their contrasts are a promise of beauty, but we live in a colored world and we need its help to move in everyday life. An Image Advisor gives color to what black and white promise, bringing out the best in you.
Meaning of Image Consulting – Loosing fear of looking at your reflection in the shop windows!
No, nobody is perfect, neither are those professionals whose public image hits us in a thousand images with those who bombarding us on television and in advertising pictures. The difference is that they live on their appearance, so they have an Image Consultancy service tin charge of it that cares they look “perfect”, even if they are not. They also become older and get up with a bad face, have insecurities and suffer from acne or mosquito bites, but in their case a makeup artist conceals them with something more powerful than a dark circles concealer. You don’t live of your image, so you do not need to have at home extra corrector, but you better count on a professional support to get the keys to take advantage of your image, and smile calmly when you look at your reflection in the shop windows.
Your image is your business card, it determines the way you behave and interact in your daily life … yours and the persons you meet, as we live in an aesthetic society in which values are very, very important, but also appearance, otherwise we would all wear an identical tunic, cotton in summer and wool in winter, identical for everybody, men and women, tousled long hair and practical footwear.
But anthropology teaches us that we are aesthetic human beings and the geographical position, climate, resources and environment have conditioned the different cultures of the planet’s inhabitants and with them, their different aspects and ways of dressing.
The current era of communication has increased the possibilities infinitely and has impulse the concept of image to paroxysm, everything goes and at the same time nothing is valid, in the information age the problem is to find the “correct” information, and once found, knowing how to use it.
At this point appears another question: if everything is worth it and at the same time nothing is good (and everything changes constantly) Where shall I be positioned?
The answer is in your personality, your personal preferences guides you. Maybe you like baroque furniture’s mixer to modern technology items and someone else prefers a kind of Renaissance taste with Romantic touches that could make you feel sick, and that make you different
Our taste is built with the information we have accumulated throughout our life, created on a set of events and experiences in which people whose influence has conditioned us positively or negatively on it: a friend, a teacher, the parents, a trip, an exhibition an advertising on television …
A Personal Image Consultant helps a person to create an image that reflects their personality, and which feel comfortable and identified.
Personal Image Consulting from MD Personal Shopper – get fit and get your way
I like to begin with conversation, a “talk” about who you are, what you like and what you hate, your colors, preferences, weaknesses and passions. That is what you are, what you are talking about and everything that really matters to you, and your image must “breathe” your personality without giving up a contemporary aesthetic, but taking also into account the environment in which you move, your needs and objectives .
At this moment you are the protagonist, I will ask you to talk about everything you can think of and talking also about the elements of your image that you live as a limit, those you are worried about and that you feel like a weakness.
This is my way of understanding Personal Image Consulting that differentiates my work philosophy from others. I do not offer you an application of the “fashion” trends to your look, but an analysis of your current image and a training for you to chooses, understand and adapt it to your needs and the world around you, until you reach an personal image valid and useful.
The goal is getting a second skin that is not a covering or an alien that is not just a matter of money you can invest in your image, it is also a matter of professionalism who guides.
The working formula depends on each case, there is an hourly service, but if the goal is to achieve a completely renew the image, the Personal Stylist + Customize Dossier service is the perfect tool, an analysis of all the elements of your current personal image will create the basis on which to transform it.
A dossier to contain it all that puts your personality under the spotlights. It includes possible actions to improve your image, advices, possibilities and alternatives, the Corner stone of Image Consultancy.
The image is like a muscle, it must get fit and that, like almost most of important things, is achieved with effort, perseverance and interest. Think that the dossier is a gym with tools to work on your image and keep it fit, habits and tips to update and keep it active.
You are your image and your image is you. If you don’t care your image, your image doesn’t care about you and believe me, when it comes to objectives of many types including sentimental or professional, the image is an essential tool to achieve them.
But don’t believe that the personal image is just something physical, many of the features that make up your image are not tangible, way of you talk, or move your hands, of walking or imposing yourself, they are also part of your personal image, Thus, the dossier also contains information that takes these aspects into account.
MD Personal Shopper- Fashion at the service of the image
Inspiration motivation and color, style, silhouettes and fabrics, garments and accessories, the Dossier contained in my Personal Stylist Image Consulting Service contains information about your general appearance, what you transmit and of course the impact that your image generates, but also a lot Practical content and tips to improve your appearance as a whole and in specific nuances.
Many of my clients are actors, artists or people with a very active public and social life, and for them dressing has a decisive impact on their life, but do not believe that in your case impact is lower, we all face in everyday life the reactions that our image generates in others, positive and / or negative, and one of the first impacts they receive is directly related to our attire.
When fashion comes into play dressing is essential to have a current and personal image: how to dress for a wedding, meet different styles of dress for women, choosing a tuxedo or be informed about how to dress an smart but informal and much more, a Personal Image Advisor also all the answers on these aspects of fashion, is at this point where Fashion Advice and Image Consulting meet, because style is an immediate tool of Personal Image.
Shopping Together service can help you in this aspect, since a shopping tour with a Personal Shopper, for man or woman, that adapts to your needs and budget, is the easiest way to have a current and personal look. You can also opt for the Shopping For you, if you prefer me to take care of keeping updated your wardrobe.
But in some moments, you have to face special occasions out of the ordinary that test your image particularly, so your appearance goes from a secondary concern to an absolute priority. In these moments a professionality makes a difference. On those occasions, the MD Personal Shopper Events service guarantees you the peace of mind of knowing that your image transmits best of best you, no disguises.
And there are also exceptional occasions, events that you do not attend as a participant or spectator but as a protagonist. Visit my website to discover Weddings, my proposal for these very special occasions that need special personalized attention, professionalism and trust.
An Image Advisor is a professional who works at the service of your image, to create with it a satisfactory message that represents you and fitting your personality. It’s not an advisory just for people who live from their public image, but a tool for anyone who cares about their image and wants to know how to use it in their own benefit in their day to day.
My MD Personal Shopper Personal Image service, guarantees the image back the mirror after the service will be characterful and personal … Your Full Color Image.
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